Are you eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 business grant in NSW?

This info has been taken from the link above.

‘If you’re a business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation in NSW and you’ve been impacted by the recent COVID-19 restrictions, you may be eligible for a one-off grant of $7,500, $10,500 or $15,000.

The 2021 COVID-19 business grant provides support for businesses that experienced reduced demand or had to close due to the public health orders. It will support businesses with cash flow for the first 3 weeks of the Greater Sydney lockdown which started on 26 June 2021.

Eligible applicants across NSW can use the grant for business costs incurred from 1 June 2021, including:
• utilities, wages and rent
• financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning
• marketing and communications activities to develop the business
• the cost of perishable goods that can no longer be used
• other activities to support the operation of the business’

If this is you and you fit the criteria, I would definitely be applying today, if you need help, I am always happy to help any time.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID