The RAT tax could attract FBT for business owners

With the current variant of COVID-19, this has caused many businesses to spend the first few weeks of 2022 adjusting to the new norm with masks for all employees and making sure they are safeguarding the employee’s health whilst they transition back into the workplace.

Many business owners are trying to cope with staff off sick and in addition to digital vaccine certificates and high vaccination rates, the access to Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) has been beneficial to businesses to help monitor and reduce the spread of the virus in their workplaces.

Despite the benefits of the free RATs to employees, employers / business owners need to be aware of the ramifications on their Fringe Benefits Tax obligations.

That’s right…handing out the Rapid Antigen Tests to employees/staff is a great way to keep your workplace safe, but……can also trigger tax ramifications that all employers/business owners need to be aware of.

The ATO’s view on COVID-19 testing and FBT is throughout the pandemic, the ATO realized ongoing guidance about how FBT impacts COVID-19 related expenses.

This information has been extracted from trong>
‘When it comes to offering COVID-19 testing options to employees for free, the ATO allows for an exemption from FBT if the both of the following two conditions are met:
1. The tests are administered by a medical or health care practitioner, and
2. The tests are offered to all employees equally.

The ATO also flags the ‘minor benefits exemption’, which removes any FBT obligations on benefits that are provided irregularly and whose cumulative value over the course of the FBT year is less than $300

RATs are tax deductible for employers and employees alike

While at this stage RATs are non-exempt from FBT, Accountants Daily highlights that, if an employer purchases them for their employees for work related matters, they can be considered business expenses and are therefore tax deductible.

So even if the ultimate position of the ATO is that RATs are to remain non-exempt from FBT, their tax deductibility should certainly be considered when the company prepares its income tax return at the end of its financial year.

Additionally, if an employee purchases as RAT for the purpose of attending the workplace or travelling for work, if the employer does not cover these costs, the testing kit would be a deductable expense for the employee themselves.

FBT and income tax calculations can be very complex, and as seen in the case of RATs, the rules and exemptions can be very nuanced, so always consider consulting a professional before making any tax-related decisions’

If this sounds all too confusing, then give me a call on 0429 363 047, I can take care of this for you and so much more.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

Are you eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 business grant in NSW?

This info has been taken from the link above.

‘If you’re a business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation in NSW and you’ve been impacted by the recent COVID-19 restrictions, you may be eligible for a one-off grant of $7,500, $10,500 or $15,000.

The 2021 COVID-19 business grant provides support for businesses that experienced reduced demand or had to close due to the public health orders. It will support businesses with cash flow for the first 3 weeks of the Greater Sydney lockdown which started on 26 June 2021.

Eligible applicants across NSW can use the grant for business costs incurred from 1 June 2021, including:
• utilities, wages and rent
• financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning
• marketing and communications activities to develop the business
• the cost of perishable goods that can no longer be used
• other activities to support the operation of the business’

If this is you and you fit the criteria, I would definitely be applying today, if you need help, I am always happy to help any time.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

The Prime Minister has removed the $10,000 liquid asset test from the COVID-19 Disaster payment

Did you know before Thursday last week, eligible applicants for the COVID disaster payment were subjected to a liquid asset means test to prove they had less than $10,000 worth of liquid assets, like shares & savings?

Now the Prime Minister said the liquid asset test applied to payments of $325 or $500 would be lifted for those who apply for the payment as a result of having missed work in NSW, and residents of other states, should any lockdowns persist.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has asked the state for the Job Keeper to be reinstated on Thursday, ongoing discussions and options are on the table.

‘In addition to the asset test changes, the Morrison government suspended mutual obligation requirements for Greater Sydney residents receiving welfare payments, like JobSeeker’
‘The announcements from both Premier Berejiklian and Prime Minister Morrison come less than 24 hours after Treasurer Josh Frydenberg knocked back the state’s request for a return of JobKeeper’
It will be interesting to see what happens.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

ATO is flipping the switch on debt recovery

As you may or may not know, taxpayers in Australia are falling behind on tax debts and lodgement obligations.

With JobKeeper coming to an end on the 28th March 2021, the program is officially over. The Tax Office has confirmed that it will now resume pursuing and enforcing debt recovery.

It has come to this stage because the ATO had been sending out letters to taxpayers in February to warn them of potential action, but many taxpayers have failed to make good on their obligations.

The debt is growing and many bookkeepers and accountants have predicted that the ATO would turn to stronger enforcement, once the JobKeeper program finished.
Even though Australia has had to ensure, bushfires, floods, COVID-19, has had a significant impact on taxpayers. What is required is for people now to get their paperwork in order and that is where I come in.

The last thing you want is the ATO on your case, we as bookkeepers and accountants have been urged from the ATO office to ensure our clients continue to lodge even if they are unable to pay, with tailored payment plans as this is still available to them.

Don’t ignore the letters from the ATO, if you are worried, please give me a call.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID
We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket and saves you time to work in/on your business this makes good financial sense!!

Did you know the Government is planning to reveal a $1.2 billion extension of the Apprenticeship wage subsidy?

I for one applaud this initiative from the Government. For any business or group training organisation, if an apprentice is engaged between 5th October 2020 through to 21st September 2021, they may be eligible for a subsidy of 50% of wages paid to a new or recommencing apprentice or trainee for a 12-month period from the date of commencement. The maximum of $7000 per quarter.

As a mother of two boys my eldest son only having left High School late 2020 after completing his HSC, this is a fantastic initiative for anyone or has just left school or even those looking to change careers.

We definitely need this due to COVID and the economic challenges that are to come in the future.
I hope that businesses will take up this initiative because we need a skilled workforce. It also shows that there is greater confidence for businesses who may have held back over the last 12 months.

I myself am thankful and having children of my own it provides me some security that they have a bright future ahead.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID
We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket and saves you time to work in/on your business this makes good financial sense!!

What can we learn from 2020?

That is the million-dollar question right there.

What have we learned from 2020? The year that brought Australia and the world to a stop. A global pandemic that brought businesses to a standstill, many hundreds and thousands of deaths across the world, not only in Australia but all countries because of COVID-19.

We all wanted a slower pace of life, the old saying, there is no place like home.

And home is what we got.

Hundreds and thousands of people, children, families had to stay home because of this pandemic. It made us all look and review how we live our lives, it gave us time to reflect on what we have, our health, our families.

What is most important to us.

Personally, what I learnt from 2020 was I had more time with my two boys and my husband. I was able to see what my boys were learning through school and find out their weaknesses first hand and was able to support and help them. Especially my eldest boy who finished Year 12 this year. I am glad I was able to support him during this time.

I was there for my dad more and helping him with errands and my husband. So for me what I learned was life is precious, family is precious. Business is not the most important thing in life, family, love and our health is.

I truly feel many people probably think along the same lines as I do, but that is what I learnt in 2020.

I hope we all as a community, as a country pulls through this together and 2021 is a better year for us all, but that we don’t forget the precious things in life, which is are families.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!

What will happen in 2021 when it comes to Bookkeeping?

Like anyone here, I don’t have a crystal ball, I wish I did.

But after what has been a turbulent year for so many in 2020, I think the Government will be assisting businesses, both large and small during 2021.

We must get the economy going and with multiple Grants on offer and assistance through construction, building, low interest rates, Job keeper payments, Job Seeker payments and now Job Maker, I feel that we are heading in the right direction.

One thing I would like to mention is to make sure that when it comes to Bookkeeping, if you decide to do it all yourself, is to keep yourself updated with all the changes and keep your records up to date and accurate.

Of course, I would rather you come to me, because I feel 2021 will be a year of many changes in our industry and across the board.

With that, comes challenges.

Let me know if I can help you in any way as I look forward to looking after you and your business.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!

Did you know that NSW Agriculture is facing significant labour shortage due to COVID-19?

“The Help harvest NSW program is aimed at assisting residents find seasonal employment opportunities with farm producers and agribusiness during COVID-19. The NSW Government web hub has a range of jobs on offer including fruit picking, grain harvesting and working on a cattle station”

More information can be found clicking on this link below.

It is sad to think that there is a labour shortage in this important area of agriculture, where so many people are looking for work.

Maybe people need to be more open to other forms of work, yes it involves physical work, heavy lifting and bending, but as a Country many people have had to pivot in what they may have done before. I have heard of Pilots who have been flying for 20 plus years, now doing cleaning.

For those in the Agricultural field that are looking for seasonal work, we cannot pick and choose what we want to do in this current climate, so hopefully they will find more people that will put their hand up and do this work.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping,

We are a full service, in-sourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!

ASIC is extremely wary of phoenixing on the rise

‘The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns within the corporate regulator that companies facing financial burdens may use the pandemic as a mask (or excuse) for engaging in phoenixing.

 As well as drawing on the policing assets of the ATO, ASIC says it is looking at cracking down on examples of illegal phoenixing that it finds’

What phoenixing means in layman terms is:
When a new company is created to continue the business of a company that has been deliberately liquidated to avoid paying debts, taxes, creditors, employee entitlements.

Because of COVID-19, the ATO are noticing an increase of many companies doing this and this will have a huge impact in Australia and will cost the country money.

If you know of a business that is doing this, the ATO need to be informed straight away so they can investigate further. You can always make an anonymous call to the ATO if you fear of any retribution.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping,

We are a full service, in-sourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!


Job Keeper 2 is now legislated

With all what is happening in Australia with COVID-19, the Government has reviewed and legislated the Job keeper 2 Package.

Find more information here:

If you are confused about the breakdowns or what this means to you for your business, then please do not hesitate to give me a call.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping,

We are a full service, in-sourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!

Has the second Victorian lockdown affected your business?

‘The second Victorian lockdown has forced the federal government to massively bolster the Job keeper program by significantly expanding eligibility criteria and allocating an extra $15billion to the scheme.

It shows that the Government is making sure that Australia and the wider community are being supported during this time.

What are your thoughts about the extension? Personally, I think it is fantastic.

If you are not sure on your entitlements after September through the Job keeper program, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime on 0429 363 047.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in
your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!


Businesses have survived COVID-19 with the help of a Bookkeeper

There has been so much negativity in the news in Australia about businesses closing, people losing their jobs. But there have been many businesses that have thrived and survived during COVID because of the help of a Bookkeeper.

Not one of my present clients have had to cease my services, to be honest, my clients have contacted me during this time, to help them with all the changes of the Job Keeper, Job seeker and EOFY, so it’s been quite the opposite.

The clients I look after range from all different industries and all have survived this health pandemic and economic uncertainty. It proves that many businesses did not have to lay off staff, some have pivoted and looked at other ways to sell their products or services.

As a Bookkeeper and BAS agent, my work has probably increased a little due to more discussions on the phone, face time, emails with questions, but that is part of my job and I love helping my clients.

If you feel that it’s time to look at obtaining a Bookkeeper to help guide you through the COVID crisis, then please give me a call anytime.

I have worked in the industry for over 20 plus years, with qualifications and experience that is second to none.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in
your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!


Will you still be eligible for JobKeeper after September 2020?

Recently the Prime Minister and the Treasurer have indicated what the JobKeeper program will look like moving forward after September 2020 through to 20th March 2021.

For those that are currently on JobKeeper, the current arrangements will be staying in place to September 25th, that’s when things are changing.

Beyond September 25th 2020 until March 20th 2021, the Government has brought out the new two tier system at a lower rate for businesses who may be eligible. The reason they are doing this as they know many businesses are doing it tough, but not to completely cut off funding, they have reduced and brought in this system, which personally I feel is extremely generous, as the Government could have stopped the payments after September 2020.

1. But who is eligible?

If you need assistance and not sure, this is where I can assist and help you.

To apply for JobKeeper 2.0 support for the quarter ending 27th December 2020, a business will need to meet the required downturn (30% or more) for both the June 2020 and September 2020 quarters.

To apply for the following quarter, ending 28th March 2021, a business will need to meet the downturn (30% or more) for each of the June 2020, September 2020 and December 2020 quarters.

2. So will the JobKeeper payments be reduced?

The answer is YES.

After September 25th 2020, the current rate of $1500.00 per employee payments will no longer apply. In the next phases there will be two tiers of payments and reductions each quarter.
The first level will be for people working 20 hours or more a week.

The payments for these employees will be reduced to $1200 per fortnight for the Dec 2020 quarter and further reduced to $1000 per fortnight for the Mar 2021 quarter
The second level will be for people working less than 20 hours a week.

The payments for these employees will be reduced to $750 per fortnight for the Dec 2020 quarter and further reduced to $650 per fortnight for the Mar 2021 quarter.

This is in line with new changes to the JobSeeker payments.

The exact details around these changes are of course still to be legislated, and as a result subject to change, but this is what we know now.

Of course, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring. When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a wider economic impact then just financially, the concern is the mental health of small business owners

Many businesses according to recent research is showing that one of the highest related challenges is mental health, followed by financial concerns due to cash flow.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many small businesses are feeling the direct impact of this pandemic with one in five business owners suffering from stress, anxiety and some have those owners are also suffering from depression.

“Businesses whose owners and operators are aged between 18 and 39 were most likely to agree that they had felt anxiety or stress (68 per cent agreed).”

The survey found retail and hospitality businesses were most likely to state the key business-related cause of mental health challenges was the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact (46 per cent)”

With the possibility of the Jobkeeper to be reduced or removed after September, this will have a direct impact on small business owners finances and cash flow, which will flow on to their mental wellbeing.

If you are going through a tough time at present, there are companies like Lifeline on 13 11 44 who help in Crisis Support.

Even though I am a Bookkeeper, I am speaking regularly with my clients who are going through hardship and anxiety. Not that I am a Counsellor, but if you have any concerns relating to your financial circumstances, I am only a phone call away.

Maree Punzet – Marees Mobile Bookkeeping
M: 0429 363 047

The Fair Work Ombudsman is prioritizing COVID-19 workplace disruptions which include the Job keeper payment compliance

What that means is over the next 12 months, the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) are reviewing any underpayments in large corporations.

Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker has confirmed that Aussie workplaces can expect a degree of flexibility in the FWO’s enforcement approach in the new financial year, especially those sectors heavily impacted by the coronavirus crisis’

There have been many sectors within the Australian economy that have been seriously impacted by COVID-19. The FWO will enforce workplaces of their financial positions and review the challenges each are facing whilst recovering from the health disruption. The FWO are trying to uphold the integrity of the Jobkeeper scheme through these appropriate compliance activities.

“Due to the impact of COVID-19 on Australian workplaces, the number of employers and employees seeking our assistance has grown significantly,” Ms Parker said.

“More than 60 businesses have come forward to self-disclose workplace law breaches, with a total of half a billion dollars owed to workers — and that’s just what we know about,” Ms Parker said’

In other words, many large organisations in Australia need to prioritise and review workplace relations systems to ensure their paying workers are receiving the entitlements. Areas such as the fast food industry, cafes, restaurants, horticulture sector, franchisors and sham contracting.

‘Ms Parker did, however, explain that the agency will provide education, advice, tools and resources to small business and those hardest hit by COVID-19’

The FWO will take into account those businesses and their financial circumstances.

Excerpts taken from

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me direct on 0429 363 047.

Maree Puznet
Marees Mobile Bookkeeping

What’s your thoughts on the minimum wage rise?

This excerpt is from the Sydney Morning Herald

‘Workers on the minimum wage will earn $753.80 a week, or $19.84 an hour after the rise, but employees in the sectors hardest hit by the coronavirus, including tourism and aviation, will have their wage increase delayed until February. Healthcare and other essential workers will get their rise in July while the rest of the workforce will have a pay boost in November. The wage increase also affects 2.2 million employees on industry awards tied to the minimum wage’

These are the industries that the minimum wage will affect.

Minimum wage increases by industry

From July 1 — frontline worker:

    • Frontline health care and social assistance
    • Teaching and child care
    • Other essential services
  • From November 1 — most industries:
    • Construction
    • Manufacturing
    • Most other industries
  • From February 1, 2021 — hardest-hit industries:
    • Accommodation
    • Arts and recreation
    • Aviation
    • Retail
    • Tourism

Does this affect you as a business owner and do you have a business in any of these industries?

If you are not sure if you are paying the correct rates or paying your employees the correct award, let Maree help you today.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | Over 20 years Bookkeeping experience | Qualified BAS Agent
M: 0429 363 047

Are you a spender or a saver?

This is a personal question for so many, including myself, but why I asked this question is, sometimes it is better to be a spender rather than a saver if that means it will help you and your business continue during the COVID -19 Crisis and beyond.

Frankly, I’m personally a saver, where I can I will try to put some money away for a rainy day, but when it comes to these unprecedented times during the COVID-19 Crisis and beyond, many businesses are spending money to pivot, to bring in new resources into their business, retraining staff into other areas.

We have been taught since we have been young to save, save, save, and I encourage everyone if they can put some money away as a buffer in business, then definitely do that, especially now.

But if it means keeping your business afloat, paying bills, paying suppliers, paying contractors and keeping your business ticking along, then yes, spending now is a great idea.

So where are you at today?

Are you spending more on your business?

Are you saving and keeping a buffer aside moving forward after COVID-19?

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | Over 20 years Bookkeeping experience | Qualified BAS Agent
M: 0429 363 047


Has the Job keeper package helped you stay afloat in your business or not?

For many business owners, I have answered many questions about the Job Keeper Package that the Government brought out for those that had lost 30% or more in income since COVID-19 hit our shores in Australia.

It is encouraging to see many business owners who took the stimulus package to put that money back into their business.

But has it actually helped you in your business stay afloat?

Has it made a huge impact in the day to day operations of your business?

Will you be able to still survive when the stimulus package finishes in September 2020?

Have you had your books looked over by a Bookkeeper?

You may be one of many businesses that may need a Bookkeeper to go over your books with a fine tooth comb, because let’s face it, just the stress of all this  and keeping your business afloat, many businesses slack off when it comes to bookkeeping and this is an important time to have a health check and your bookwork reviewed.

Let me help you today, let’s have a chat and let me help you keep your business afloat.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | Over 20 years Bookkeeping experience | Qualified BAS Agent
M: 0429 363 047

Have you accessed your Superannuation during this COVID-19 Crisis?

For many business owners, both large and small, during the COVID-19 Crisis, many have accessed their Superannuation during the COVID-19 Crisis.

It has actually been a necessity for many to help them keep their cashflow going and keep the business and their staff afloat so they can continue.

Even though on both sides of parliament, they were not happy for the Government to allow the access of $10,000 in the current Financial Year and another $10,000 in the New Financial year to be accessible, but it truly has been a bonus for many businesses who are trying to keep staff on, keep stock coming in to sell and for others, just to purely survive.

If you are one of those businesses out there, you are not alone.

Personally, I do hope businesses are using that superannuation to good use and they are able to obtain a ROI if and when they access and use this money.

In the large scheme of things, we normally are never allowed to touch this money until retirement, but in the current economic climate we are in, I can see why the Government has allowed this and tax free too for those that have funds available to access and use.

Not that I am a financial planner, but if you have any questions relating to access to your superannuation or want to know more how you can use this money effectively and efficiently when it comes to Bookkeeping, then please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | Over 20 years Bookkeeping experience | Qualified BAS Agent
M: 0429 363 047