There are penalties for overdue TPAR

All Taxable payments annual report which stands for (TPAR) must be lodged by 28th August of each year.

If you have clients who make payments to contractors, they may also need to report these payments in a TPAR.

The ATO have applied from 23rd March 2022 that they will apply failure to lodge penalties to those who

  1. Did not lodge their TPAR in 2021 or the prior year
  2. Have already been sent three (3) non-lodgement letters about their overdue TPAR
  3. Those that did not respond to follow up phone calls about their overdue TPAR

The ATO are cracking down on clients, so don’t be surprised to receive a phone call or your clients about their overdue TPAR.

The best thing to do is remind your clients

  1. They may face penalties for an overdue TPAR
  2. They may if necessary, lodge a TPAR by 28th August each year
  3. They need to keep good records making it so much easier to prepare their TPAR

Here is the website link on how to lodge TPAR, and how to prepare, record and report.

Otherwise give me a call on 0429 363 047 and I will be able to help you.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
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