What can we learn from 2020?

That is the million-dollar question right there.

What have we learned from 2020? The year that brought Australia and the world to a stop. A global pandemic that brought businesses to a standstill, many hundreds and thousands of deaths across the world, not only in Australia but all countries because of COVID-19.

We all wanted a slower pace of life, the old saying, there is no place like home.

And home is what we got.

Hundreds and thousands of people, children, families had to stay home because of this pandemic. It made us all look and review how we live our lives, it gave us time to reflect on what we have, our health, our families.

What is most important to us.

Personally, what I learnt from 2020 was I had more time with my two boys and my husband. I was able to see what my boys were learning through school and find out their weaknesses first hand and was able to support and help them. Especially my eldest boy who finished Year 12 this year. I am glad I was able to support him during this time.

I was there for my dad more and helping him with errands and my husband. So for me what I learned was life is precious, family is precious. Business is not the most important thing in life, family, love and our health is.

I truly feel many people probably think along the same lines as I do, but that is what I learnt in 2020.

I hope we all as a community, as a country pulls through this together and 2021 is a better year for us all, but that we don’t forget the precious things in life, which is are families.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
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We are a full service, insourced Payroll and Bookkeeping business that puts money back in your pocket. Our team works like a full-time employee and part of your business when it comes to processing your Payroll and bookkeeping, but without the cost or other concerns full time employees bring.   When compared to a full-time employee, we give you all the benefits and more but save you around $60,000 a year in costs, makes good financial sense!!