
What is the Single Touch Payroll Phase 2?

You can also find this information on the ATO website, link below:

The Government announced the Single Touch Payroll in the 2019-20 budget and at that time, they did say there would be an expansion of STP, known as STP Phase 2.

What this will do, is reduce the reporting burden for employers who need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies.

I would think that is a sign of relief for many employers.

The mandatory start date for Phase 2 reporting starts 1st January 2022.

The ATO have notified that Digital Service Providers (DSP’s) who may need more time to make the changes and update their solutions to support STP 2 can apply for a referral for their customers.

So there is a flexible approach to this transition, therefore if your solution is ready for 1 January 2022, you should start Phase 2 reporting. If your solution is ready and you can start Phase 2 reporting before 1 March 2022, then you will be considered to be reporting on time and you won’t need to apply for more time.

You can also apply for a delayed transition from December 2021. There will not be any penalties for genuine mistakes for the first year of Phase 2 reporting until 31 December 2022. This includes employers who have already started Phase 2 reporting.

The benefits for employers are you will no longer have to send the ATO the employee’s TFN declarations. The employees will provide it to you and you will need to keep it with your employee records.

‘If you make a Lump Sum E payment, you won’t need to provide Lump Sum E letters to your employees. You’ll have included the amount and the period it relates to.
If you change software or your employee’s payroll ID, you can tell us in your STP report if your solution has this functionality. This will help fix issues with duplicate income statements for employees in ATO online services through myGov

You may no longer need to provide separation certificates when your employees leave. The date and reason an employee leaves will be in your STP report.
You can also voluntarily report child support deductions and/or garnishees through STP. This reduces the need to send separate remittance advices to the Child Support Registrar’
If this sounds all too confusing, then give me a call on 0429 363 047, I can take care of this for you and so much more.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

Are you ready for 2022?

Why would I be asking a question like that? Simply because it’s only 3 months away and many businesses are either ramping up or wrapping up their work in the lead up to Christmas and the New Year.

I know many business owners holding off putting on more staff until 2022 because of lockdowns and border closures, but once the New Year is upon us, people will need to outsource their bookkeeping with the influx of new employees, paperwork, superannuation, payroll.

Don’t forget Bookkeeping is an important part of your business, so get ready for 2022 and give me a call.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

It’s that time of year again, EOFY, let Maree take care of you and your business.

Let Maree take care of you and your business.

Ask her anything about EOFY, tax, Job keeper or Job seeker packages, anything, she is your go too lady.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

Tax Changes happening in 2020, does it affect your business?

There are a few things to check, from this article they talk about the following

  1. TPRS – Expansion, which stands for taxable payment reporting systems. In other words small businesses in certain industries are now required to report to the ATO about payments made to the contractors they use
  2. AUSkey to be scrapped (thank goodness for that, always hated it), so from 1st April 2020, the AUSkey system will no longer be used for businesses to report to the ATO (win), so now you will need to use your myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager instead.
  3. E-invoicing, so they are urging Australian businesses to consider embracing the new system
  4. Single Touch Payroll reporting, so businesses with fewer than 20 employees were granted a three month extension to 30 Sept 2019 to make the transition and penalties are being waived until 30th June 2020.

So does all these things affect you. Yes I would think they do. If you don’t have a clue where to start or what to do, please give me a call on 0429 363 047 or PM and let me help you.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

Have you heard about Australian Expats facing a tax slug?

Read more here: but in a nutshell those living overseas have until the end of June 2020 to sell their homes if they want to avoid big capital gains tax bills.

With many Australian’s living abroad for work have in the past been able to claim capital gains tax (CGT) exemption on the family home as long as it was rented out for no more than six years at a time.

So is that you, are you someone that has been living abroad, or know of someone because this will affect them and we know tax time isn’t too far away.

If you want to know more, please contact me anytime on 0429 363 047.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping


Only a few months away to EOFY, time to review your finances

How many of you have actually recently gone through your finances for the last few months? I’m not just talking how January 2020 was when it comes to profit/loss, but I’m talking about reviewing the last 6 months.

We are now in January, well February 2020, so we only theoretically have March/April/May and June, so really only another 4 months before the EOFY.

That’s right 4 months.

Have you been making a profit?

Have you paid your staff correctly?

Have you paid your suppliers?

Have you been paid?

That’s right, how many people owe you money, have you chased these businesses for your money?

That’s the thing, when we are in busy, we are wearing so many hats.

As a Bookkeeper and BAS agent, it’s my job to keep track of all this for you each month. Sometimes I do have to make that call and do debt collection on a businesses behalf.

So does this sound like you?

Are you behind in your books, do people owe you money,well if any of the above resonates with you, then give me a call on 0429 363 047.

Let me get you and your finances up to date so when EOFY comes, it’s all smooth sailing.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping


Two Heads are better than one!

Peter the Accountant and myself have formed a great team a number of years ago. Some people like to have the option of utilising both our services in the one place.

Many times, Peter will have a client and send to me or visa versa or we work together on some business cases too.

It just depends what tasks are needed.

So, if you are in need of a Bookkeeper/Accountant, give me a call anyway so Peter and I can look after your business needs.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
04291 363 047

New Year, New Bookkeeper!

Isn’t it wonderful when we start a new year. We are all fresh as a daisy, clean slate and everything. This is when many businesses get in contact with me because they know it makes sense to outsource to a bookkeeper.

Why not start the new year fresh and squeaky clean. Get rid of the old ways of doing things, outsource the Bookkeeping to Maree Punzet, value your time more so you can work on your business.

Isn’t their new goals you want to achieve? You won’t be able to achieve them if you continually do your own bookkeeping, wasting your time, pulling your hair out at the never ending changes the ATO keeps coming up with.

So start fresh for the New Year, outsource to a new Bookkeeper.

That’s me…just over here…

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping

Are you one of my valued and long term clients?

I can see you put your hand up in the air.

Well I recently received some amazing testimonials of late, from long term clients and you know what….it really makes my day…

I love what I do..

It doesn’t feel like work, I enjoy bookkeeping so much, I’ve been doing this for over 20 plus years now and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Yes…boring to you…but exciting to me..

So when I receive testimonials or an email from a client thanking me or thanking me for assisting them with an issue they were not sure on…it so makes my day.

So hands up who else would like to be another valued client?

Call me anytime and let me look after all your Bookkeeping needs and your BAS too!!!

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
M: 0429 363 047

What is Maree’s point of difference compared to other Bookkeepers?

Maree’s point of difference is she has over 20 years’ experience and qualifications as a Bookkeeper.

She is also a qualified BAS agent.

She isn’t a newcomer to the industry still learning the ropes. She is experienced in all facets of Bookkeeping.

She works hard for all her clients.

She is only a phone call away if you have a question.

She works for you. It’s not just a job to Maree, she loves what she does and this shows in the extra care and due diligence she provides to all her clients.

So what are you waiting for?

Call Maree direct today!

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
M: 0429 363 047