
Considering outsourcing your bookkeeping?

Before we get into how much does it cost, you need to be aware of the following –

My qualifications – it is a legal requirement that I have qualifications to be able offer a bookkeeping service, starting with a Cert IV. I have been assessed and registered by the Tax Practitioners Board to undertake BAS and GST bookkeeping services.

My experience – with 20+ years’ experience I’ve seen a lot. I have rigorous checks in place to ensure you are meeting all your legal obligations as a business.

My service offerings – not all bookkeepers deliver the same service. As well as ensuring your books are up to date and correct. I am able to lodge your BAS. I also offer a payroll service. I’ll also review your ongoing expenses to monitor your cash flow.

It is with this information that I can determine what your business requirements are and provide a price that reflects.

Additionally, I offer a free bookkeeping health check (see below) that assists you and me in determining what’s right for you.

While keeping in mind that outsourcing adds another cost for your business, the funds you outlay for bookkeeping services are a taxable expense. In some cases, I have actually saved clients’ money.

As your virtual bookkeeper, I am a trained, accredited professional with 20+ years’ experience that will ensure that your business books are kept up to date while you do what needs to be done.

Here at Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping I am a partner in your business, making your business journey that little bit simpler to save time, relieve stress and make more money.

Now when it comes to cost, all it takes is a phone call for a quick chat. I can custom make a package for you or look at considering one of my bookkeeping packages, believe me, outsourcing for my services is not expensive.

Maree Punzet | Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | 0429 363 047
You didn’t go into business to do your Payroll and Bookkeeping, BUT WE DID

It’s that time of year again, EOFY, let Maree take care of you and your business.

Let Maree take care of you and your business.

Ask her anything about EOFY, tax, Job keeper or Job seeker packages, anything, she is your go too lady.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

EOFY Preparation: Are your books up to date, it’s TAX TIME….

Are your books up to date?

I can see you there, shaking your head.

Was that a NO?

Well aren’t you glad you came across this post and found me.

I’ve been helping so many business owners and I know how hard it can be to keep on top of things when it comes to your books and tax time.

So if this is you, give me a call, there is no cost to you to just call me and have a quick chat and see where you are at. I offer hourly rates and packages to suit all budgets and client needs.

If you don’t want the hassle in getting your books up to date, then throw it over here and let me take care of it all.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

COVID-19 CRISIS, remember there are other things to consider!

Apart from making sure you are healthy and in self-isolation and following good hygiene practices, when it comes to your business, there are a few important things to consider.

  1. Superannuation is still payable and due, so consider paying superannuation each pay run, or monthly to ensure better cashflow
  2. Ensure your supplier payments are all paid and up to date
  3. If you can, pre-pay your electricity, rent, mortgages and phone bills, whilst you can for at least 3 months in advance
  4. Talk to your staff daily, ease their mind, plan for the now and the future. Organise staff to work from home if possible.
  5. If you have staff in the office, make sure that staff are practicing good hygiene habits
  6. Review what you have in the bank to pay your liabilities at least for 2 months including wages
  7. Ensure to review staff entitlements if they do need to self-isolate
  8. Diversify your business, it may be easier than you think! What can you do differently but still operate your business? What other services can you offer
  9. Talk to your Finance Providers. What deferrals or loan reductions could they put in place for you today?
  10. Get the right information from the ATO Link, Fair Work and Department of Health
  11. Minimise as much as possible customer contact
  12. Review your business insurance and make sure you are covered
  13. Seek other suppliers within Australia if you have been sourcing previously from overseas.
  14. Review your Business insurance to see what you are and are not covered for.

Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping can assist in the following areas

  1. Provide assistance with communicating with the ATO – assistance with payment plans, deferrals
  2. Help communicating with suppliers about deferring payments or putting payment plans in place
  3. Review your expenses
  4. Chase outstanding debts
  5. cash flow analysis planning know what’s coming in and out
  6. Understanding HR obligations
  7. Bookkeeping and BAS requirements
  8. Stay on top of your bookkeeping is now more important than ever before

If you need any help with any of the above or anything else my contact details are below.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping | Over 20 years Bookkeeping experience | Qualified BAS Agent
M: 0429 363 047

The ATO are looking at offering small business tax relief in response to the coronavirus

This couldn’t come sooner!

Small business seems to miss out all the time.

I for one am a small business and I work with many clients that are also sole traders, small business.

The ATO are now looking at offering this area of the workforce (which is the backbone of the Australian economy) a tax relief in the light of the coronavirus.

To help small businesses they are looking at providing tax relief in the form of payment deferrals and access to goods and services tax refunds much faster than in the past.

By the most updated news it looks to include a four-month deferral for payments of amounts due through BAS (including PAYG installments), income tax assessments, fringe benefits tax assessments and excise. So that is definitely a positive in the right direction.

The ATO are trying to help businesses to assist them through this difficult time of uncertainty and I applaud them for what they are trying to do to ease the pressure.

If you need help or just want someone to talk too, to discuss your needs and help you through the different steps, then do not hesitate to contact me directly on 0429 363 047.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047
Qualified BAS agent with over 20 years Bookkeeping experience

Tax Changes happening in 2020, does it affect your business?

There are a few things to check, from this article they talk about the following

  1. TPRS – Expansion, which stands for taxable payment reporting systems. In other words small businesses in certain industries are now required to report to the ATO about payments made to the contractors they use
  2. AUSkey to be scrapped (thank goodness for that, always hated it), so from 1st April 2020, the AUSkey system will no longer be used for businesses to report to the ATO (win), so now you will need to use your myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager instead.
  3. E-invoicing, so they are urging Australian businesses to consider embracing the new system
  4. Single Touch Payroll reporting, so businesses with fewer than 20 employees were granted a three month extension to 30 Sept 2019 to make the transition and penalties are being waived until 30th June 2020.

So does all these things affect you. Yes I would think they do. If you don’t have a clue where to start or what to do, please give me a call on 0429 363 047 or PM and let me help you.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

Have you heard about Australian Expats facing a tax slug?

Read more here: but in a nutshell those living overseas have until the end of June 2020 to sell their homes if they want to avoid big capital gains tax bills.

With many Australian’s living abroad for work have in the past been able to claim capital gains tax (CGT) exemption on the family home as long as it was rented out for no more than six years at a time.

So is that you, are you someone that has been living abroad, or know of someone because this will affect them and we know tax time isn’t too far away.

If you want to know more, please contact me anytime on 0429 363 047.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping


Can you claim your bookkeeping fees at tax

Ok, you might think this is a simple question, but yes you can definitely claim your bookkeeping fees at tax time.

It’s an expense which of course is related to your business.

Yes they can claim their bookkeeping fees 100% just like there accounting fees and for me for eg as GST registered if the client is to they can claim back the GST of their fees each quarter.

So why wouldn’t you outsource your bookkeeping to me, as a GST Registered BAS Agent, Bookkeeper these are all the little things I know, that many other business owners wouldn’t.

Bookkeeping isn’t simple, there is so much to learn and know and the regulations keep changing, so if you want to know what you can claim and cannot claim, then let me handle all your bookkeeping needs.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
0429 363 047

Only a few months away to EOFY, time to review your finances

How many of you have actually recently gone through your finances for the last few months? I’m not just talking how January 2020 was when it comes to profit/loss, but I’m talking about reviewing the last 6 months.

We are now in January, well February 2020, so we only theoretically have March/April/May and June, so really only another 4 months before the EOFY.

That’s right 4 months.

Have you been making a profit?

Have you paid your staff correctly?

Have you paid your suppliers?

Have you been paid?

That’s right, how many people owe you money, have you chased these businesses for your money?

That’s the thing, when we are in busy, we are wearing so many hats.

As a Bookkeeper and BAS agent, it’s my job to keep track of all this for you each month. Sometimes I do have to make that call and do debt collection on a businesses behalf.

So does this sound like you?

Are you behind in your books, do people owe you money,well if any of the above resonates with you, then give me a call on 0429 363 047.

Let me get you and your finances up to date so when EOFY comes, it’s all smooth sailing.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping


Fair Work raids uncover 725 wage-theft victims and hundreds of “unaware” businesses

For anyone that hasn’t read this article, please take the time to click on the link.

A clippet from the article:

“A whopping 725 workers have been back-paid more than $330,000 after a series of Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) raids identified worrying levels of wage theft in regional Victoria and NSW.

Less than three weeks after recovering $580,000 in stolen wages from regional businesses across Australia’s eastern seaboard, the FWO has unveiled the results of another series of inspections in Albury-Wodonga, Ballarat and Wollongong.

It found nearly half (47%) of the 489 businesses that received surprise door knocks were in breach of workplace laws, including retail outlets, takeaway shops, cafes and bars.”

In other words, there are many businesses that are not paying correct wages, businesses have breached workplace laws.

If you need any assistance with payroll, bookkeeping, BAS, even just asking a question, then please do not hesitate to contact me anytime on 0429 363 047.

Maree Punzet

Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping

0429 363 047


What’s the trend when it comes to Bookkeeping in 2019?

This article below explains more about those new trends that are happening in the Bookkeeping industry.

1. Automation + Cloud Accounting
2. Code-free processes
3. Blockchain technology
4. Open Banking

If you want to learn or know more, contact me today.

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
M: 0429 363 047

Are you one of my valued and long term clients?

I can see you put your hand up in the air.

Well I recently received some amazing testimonials of late, from long term clients and you know what….it really makes my day…

I love what I do..

It doesn’t feel like work, I enjoy bookkeeping so much, I’ve been doing this for over 20 plus years now and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Yes…boring to you…but exciting to me..

So when I receive testimonials or an email from a client thanking me or thanking me for assisting them with an issue they were not sure on…it so makes my day.

So hands up who else would like to be another valued client?

Call me anytime and let me look after all your Bookkeeping needs and your BAS too!!!

Maree Punzet
Maree’s Mobile Bookkeeping
M: 0429 363 047